Contact Us! 562-810-8297
Fiesta Taco Party- Catering & Events Long Beach
I'm Chef Tony, catering team leader and I will do whatever it takes to prove our showmanship, earn your trust & respect and service you as our client now and in the future. Like us on facebook, Instagram Fiesta Taco Party catering & Events.
Fiesta Taco Party...We Care!
Call, Text or Email 562-810-8297
Call Us! 562-810-8297
Full Service, Complete Taco Grill Cart & Buffet, Only $700 for 50 people -that's only $14 per person!. Big Parties 100 or more-$12/p. Church, School & Government-Ca Tax waived.. Fundraisers & Social Festivals-we grab attention & promote your cause-we can work something out-lets talk.. Options available on our Menu Mix-Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Diet & Allergen Modifications. Catered Drop-Off ready to eat packaged menu service option.: $12/p servced with disposable plates, napkins, forks. Foods in stay-hot, heatable foil food service containers.
Email us at FiestaTacoParty@gmail or at:
Chef Tony (Service & Bookings): 562-810-8297 -call-text-email-voicemail-24 hrs